The Three Journals Project
Three journals
Three women in their 20s
Three centuries
The first lives in rural Alabama with her husband and children in the late 1800s. The second is a missionary in China during World War II. The third is a young professional making her way in the 21st century.
Here, we explore their lives through diary entries. sharing their journey while learning who they are - who we all are.
Miranda is a musician and blogger in Atlanta, GA. In the early 2000s, she was a single woman, supporting herself as a classical musician and caring for her father, who was fighting cancer. She always kept a diary. She was inspired by the women in her family who also kept diaries, and started this project to explore the similarities of women in their 20s.
Annette is Miranda's paternal grandmother. Her father was Annette's middle son. Annette was a missionary wife in China from 1941-1944. She and her husband Clarence managed a church, orphanage, hospital, and school in Enshih. Annette writes about daily life, including the birth of two of her sons, and World War II updates from the front lines.
Frances is Miranda's maternal great great grandmother. Frances lived in Jemison and Bessemer, Alabama in the late 1890s. She and her husband Orlando raised 6 children with the help of a household staff. Her diaries reflect her thoughts as a mother, wife, and as a young woman finding her place.
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