Not A Single Minute To Spare
I had an awful time today. Not a single minute to spare. Tried to iron but didn't get very far. Tried to wash too today and only got the diapers finished. Goodness but cooking + cleaning + minding the kids is some job. I wouldn't like to do it all the time. - Annette, January 1943
Sometimes, the daily chores of life just pile up. We feel like we can't get ahead. Annette had several entries like this during the first week of January. She was feeling exhausted and overwhelmed - and she was nursing a sore thumb and twisted ankle. Normally, she had a servant helping with the cooking and cleaning, but when the servants didn't show up, she was left on her own, having to wash and iron every day, plus cook all the meals and take care of 2 babies.
Sometimes, when we are stressed, our bodies struggle to keep up. It can be hard to stay on top of things when we are fighting an illness or trying to heal. In Annette's case, she had more going on than just a bum foot. More to come in the next post...