Wonder What I Did

The guys all had a meeting this afternoon so I fixed supper.  Made a tamale pie + I liked it fine, but of course I didn't make enough for them.  Made ice cream too + then discovered we had no more snow to freeze it with.  Clary + Paul both felt bad tonight - they said from my cooking.  Gosh, wonder what I did.  Doc was in bed today with malaria.  - Annette, January 1942


In 1942, Annie was living in Enshih, China.  Clary, my grandfather, managed the business of running the church, while Annie and the other missionary wives tended to the orphanage (mostly girls), taught English, played music for church services, and whatever else needed doing.  Not only is she in completely foreign territory, but she is also a relatively new wife.  She wants to please her husband by making meals he likes, but she also has limited ingredients and minimal equipment.  Whether 'the guys' were teasing her or not, she still took the criticism seriously.  Ice cream was always a real treat for them.  Then, a casual reference to their friend with malaria.  Most everyone they knew suffered from the disease at some point.  

With war all around her, sometimes the entries were simple.  Desire for good food, a little treat, wishes for good health.  All things we think about daily.