The Star On The Wings

Things quieting down some.  News is much better - lots of planes flying around + using this field.  We are really in the front line now.  Hospital down to 4 patients - everyone is afraid the U.S. airmen are staying here + that we are sure to be bombed.  Right after lunch we had to run like everything because the urgent alarm + then the planes came so quick.  They came tearing down the valley real low and we thot sure we were going to get aplenty - then we noticed the star on the wings - our own planes - 8 of them - they all landed, but took off again very shortly.  We played pinochle later. 

A real fight today.  At noon 9 planes landed here to refuel.  Almost immediately the alarm sounded + they all took to the air, waiting for the Japs.  They came sneeking over the mountains - 8 of them, bombed the airfield + made a beeline for home, our planes hot on their trail.  We heard 1 Jap plane had been shot down.  We'll be seeing plenty of excitement around here now I think. 

-Annette, June 1943


Annette and Clary had a front-row seat to all the wartime action!  I included two entries here, because I love her entries from June 1943. 

Annette had been in China for over two years, and she always longed for some connection to home.  I see it in her cooking, her excitement over letters and magazines, and of course, in her desire to keep up with the progressing war.  There is a shift, though.  Now, she isn't just running for air raid sirens.  Now, she can look up and see those stars on the wings.  American pilots flying American planes.  Even in the devastation of war, I can only imagine the relief and pride she felt.  Maybe hope, too.  Hope that they were going to make it through this terrible war.

Her past entries included so much detail about their daily routines, but as the front lines shifted, all entries were war updates.  Here, though, she mentions a game of pinochle - her favorite evening activity with her friends.  Slowly, the details come back.  She had an awful toothache. She found time to can the beans before they went bad.  Her friend Elsie is pregnant again.  She even mentions (finally!) how many orphans they sent with Miss Simon - 14 infants!

Even when the world is turned upside down, Annette noticed the details.  It's easy to give up hope when 8 planes fly overhead - until you see the star on the wings.  Those American pilots renewed her spirits - and her connection to her home.  

I'll take a break from Annette for the next few posts, but don't worry, we'll come back to this time in her life.  Exciting things are coming up for her!

No Use To Run

We had 5 alarms today - one even after supper when 2 pursuit planes came tearing over the mountains + landed here - they took off again in about 1/2 hr - plenty fast.  Are getting our trunks off but now everyone says the Japs have been pushed back on 3 roads and there is no use to run.  - Annette, May 1943


A five alarm day!  For every alarm, they had to drop what they were doing, run to the cave near their house with kids in tow, and wait until the all clear signal.  That is a lot of running!  They watched the planes land and take off - truly on the front lines of a WWII battle.  How exciting - and terrifying!

Annette and Clary sent their trunks ahead to Wahnsien, and they planned to follow on foot a few days later.  Now, they received word that the roads were blocked and there was nowhere to go.  All that work and preparation - now what?  Do you trust what 'everyone' says?  What if it was just a rumor?  Maybe the roads were really clear.  Maybe their belongings were on their way.  Maybe everything was going to be ok.  Or maybe not.

What do you do when faced with an impossible choice?  Stay with the familiar, or head out into the unknown?  Neither option was safe for Annette, but she had a family to protect.  Next week, we'll find out what happened. 

Think This Will Be A Dangerous Place

Clary met one of the Americans here + found out today Mr. Chen is working for him translating maps + plans.  All the bombing is being 'kwaned' from Enshih now.  Think this will be a dangerous place.  Simon + the babies leave tomorrow.  That's going to be some job - I sure feel sorry for her.  We're off in another 2-3 days I guess.  Wish the Americans would come up + pay us a visit.  - Annette, May 1943


Around this time, more and more American pilots stopped to refuel near Enshih.  Clary was in the city often, so he got to meet a few of them and learn a bit about the situation.  Mr. Chen, I believe, was working with Annette on her Chinese, and she was teaching him English.  Apparently, his side hustle was helping the US Armed Forces!  I wonder what secrets and clues he learned. 

I'm not exactly sure what she meant by 'kwan' - possibly kuan, 寬, translated as 'wide' or 'extend.'  It sounds like the bombing was coming closer, so maybe she was describing the explosions as 'extended from Enshih.'   Things were definitely getting dangerous.  Miss Simon left with the orphans - still no mention of how many, but what a handful!  Every day was uncertain, but they were going to protect the children, no matter the cost.

Despite all the danger, Annette wanted more than anything to meet the American pilots.  She would get her chance soon....stay tuned! 


Bombed Before Breakfast

Bombed before breakfast!  And a heavy one too.  Several alarms today at supper time - a wounded plane landed here.  A wire from Wanhsien today was like a slap in the face telling us to turn orphans over to govt. cable board if necessary.  We just don't know what to do.  Latest plan to send Simon on Sunday with the babies.  Elsie + I follow a few days later.  Coolies are asking $1200.00 - outrageous.  Elsie + I are going to walk.  Poor Clary - he is thinking so much I think its getting him down he looks so weary.  - Annette, May 1943


This part of Annette's diary is so exciting - mostly because I know she makes it out ok.  In May 1943, the front lines shifted and their little village was right in the center of all the action.  Let's unpack this entry a bit.

A wire from Wanhsien today was like a slap in the face telling us to turn orphans over to govt. cable board if necessary.  The Japanese were bombing them regularly.  They received a letter saying that they had to evacuate, and leave the orphans behind.  After more than two years of setting up the orphanage, church, school, and hospital, they were told to abandon the children and get out.  Can you imagine?!

We just don't know what to do.  Latest plan to send Simon on Sunday with the babies.  Elsie + I follow a few days later.  Understandably, Annette was worried and scared.  Their plans changed each day, based on whatever new information they received.  Here, they planned to send the orphan children towards Wanhsien (the city now called Wanzhou), with Miss Simon, one of the Chinese helpers at the orphanage and hospital.  Annette and her friend Elsie would head out after with their own children (my uncle and dad included!).  I'm not sure how many orphans they had at the time, but even relocating a few would be a true feat.  Again, can you imagine?!

Coolies are asking $1200.00 - outrageous.  Elsie + I are going to walk.  The 'coolies' here were laborers who were paid to transport people and their belongings between villages.  Apparently, when faced with a price-gouging situation, Annette and Elsie decided they would walk.  To Wahnsien, now called Wanzhou.  I just checked Google Maps and plugged in Enshih to Wanzhou.  It was 204 kilometers - 56hours on foot.  Two American women in their twenties, each with two American babies.  Walking 204 kilometers.  During an air strike in WWII.  Let that sink in.  CAN YOU IMAGINE?! 

Poor Clary - he is thinking so much I think its getting him down he looks so weary.  With all these plans swirling in her head, Annette is still thinking of her husband.  Clary is trying to be strong and decisive in making plans, but at the end of the day, he will have to go ahead and leave his wife and young sons to travel on their own.  I can't even imagine.

Usually, I try to rotate through each woman's diary, but we're going to stick with Annette for a bit here.  This story is just getting started....

This Day In History!

The Japs got back on our trail today.  Had about 5 ginbows and saw 4 planes flying back.  We powed every time and missed quite a bit of language work.  Washed my head + dried it outside it was that warm.  This evening Clary + I started out reading, but Doc came over and we played bridge.  -  Annette, February 4, 1941

Tonite was Chinese New Year's Eve, so we had to have a pinochle game and more ice cream.  Our ice will soon be gone and our maple flavoring is going too.  Ta Wei is such a little pest.  He drives me too distraction - he gets into so much mischief and is always so dirty and gets his clothes and sweaters so messed up.  Guess he's just a real boy.  -  Annette, February 4, 1943


Ever since I started this blog, I've wanted to do a "This Day In History" post!  Annette's diary is the most regular, so here's what she was up to on February 4.  I was planning to just do one entry, but I couldn't choose between these two - I liked them both!

In 1941, Annette and Clary were still settling into their roles in China.  Annette had time to wash and dry her hair in the sun, and to play bridge in the evening - clearly there were no kids in the picture yet!  All the while, they spent that lovely day running to and from their bomb shelter cave.  As they watched the planes zoom overhead, I'm sure it was starting to sink in - the war was their new normal.  At least there was time for a card game.  

Fast-forward to 1943, when she was chasing around a wild toddler!  Ta Wei is my uncle, the first of Annette's three sons.  From her diary, she sure had a time keeping up with him!  I love that, again, she mentions the ice cream.  That special occasion treat on the eve of Chinese New Year kept her connected to her American life.  Now I find myself craving vanilla ice cream with maple topping!  Of course, no celebration was complete without a card game.  She had such good friends in China, and I love reading about their social card games.

I wonder what will happen on February 4, 2018....